I have watched my kids and other people's kids and often thought that they are spoiled. I tend to think that we cater to them way too much. Then I realized that as I point my finger at my kids and other kids, that there are 3 other fingers pointing straight back at me.
I've been doing family history. Not the family history where I seek out ancestors, but the family history where questions are asked to those that are still living. They won't always be here and I want to remember them. I want to learn from them and learning is what I've done.
As I listened to my grandma Blake recount her history, I have come to realize that the joys and struggles I have she had the same. I've learned that I've been pointing fingers in the wrong direction - I have spent too much time casting blame to my kids and others around me. I am spoiled beyond what I deserve. As I learn about the struggles my own grandparents faced, I am humbled. I then sit back and count my blessings. I count my trials and I am grateful for them too.